Hi, my name is


I build healthcare toolkits

I’m a Hardware Research Engineer in the medical field. My main interests lie in cross-disciplinary fields such as Health-sensing and Clinical Decision support systems.

About Me

I’m a French engineer. Voilà.

I am interested in human-centered initiatives that can improve day-to-day life. I believe in a technology that fits and adapts to our needs, which never replaces but always complements. With a strong emphasis on the healthcare field, most of my projects consist in investigating physiological signals with electronic devices - whether to help physicians make decision or patients move their bodies, but first and foremost to blink a LED. You may find some of them here on this website.

Reality is I spend most of my time drinking coffee.

Work Experiences

Research and Development Engineer - Hardware, DAQ - Stella Surgical
January 2022 - present

I am currently working as a research and development engineer at Stella Surgical, with a focus on hardware innovation.

  • Contributed to new types of health-sensing techniques for liver grafts viability assessment.
  • Led product engineering for medical embedded systems - organ tracking systems, machine perfusion devices simulation platform.
  • Led technical faisability studies on R&D early-stage projects, including medical regulatory requirements for both embedded software and hardware.

Prior to this role, I served the company as a hardware systems engineer for more than a year. I was mainly responsible of embedded systems integration and new product development.

Embedded Systems Engineer - LIRMM
September 2021 - January 2022

Led a personal research initiative, which was about embedded hand gesture recognition and bio-sensing for sign language interpretation.

  • Worked on hardware architecture definition.
  • MCAD/ECAD rapid prototyping.
  • Signal processing, firmware programming and edge ML.
Assistive Technology Designer - HumanLab Saint-Pierre
January 2021 - July 2021

Worked closely with a medical team (occupational therapists, ortho-prosthetists, doctors) from the Institut Saint-Pierre (private children’s hospital).

  • Developed an assistive robotic orthosis for children.
  • Designed hardware assistive technologies using rapid-prototyping techniques with end-users.
Graduate Research Intern - TU Delft
May 2020 - August 2020

Worked on ethical decision making models for autonomous systems considering moral uncertainty.

  • Computational modeling of ethical theories.
  • Applied data-analysis techniques on MIT’s moral machine dilemma dataset.
  • Modelled a decision-making mechanism rooted in normative ethics to incorporate moral uncertainty on the field of autonomous vehicles.


Master of Science in Digital Health
Université de Montpellier, France

Major: Health Devices Engineering

  • Ranked 1st
Diplôme d'Ingénieur (M.Eng) in Systems Engineering
IMT Mines d'Alès, France

Major: Mechatronics

  • Organised the first TEDx edition in Alès, Gard, France.
  • Active volunteer in campus’ Culture, Arts and Music Organising Comitee.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Please do not hesitate to say hi!